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ܫResearch and development of high-efficient and clean auto engine technology system

探讨方面: Research fields: 应用于提升混和点燃操控的非常低进行排放点燃状态做到及优化网络 Realization and optimization on ultra-low emission combustion mode based on mixing enhancement and burning control 车用静音机瞬态效能效准 Transient performance correction of vehicle diesel engine 货车发起机能效技术性科研 Research on energy conservation technology of vehicle engine 气车打着机的关键功能模块化品牌化技艺生产研发 Research and development of key subsystem industrialization technology of vehicle engine 电子设备控制根本主件产业化及机系统模块化根本技术性研究探讨 Research on key component industrialization of electronic control and on key technology of system integration 学习科研成果: Research findings: 创新燃燒摸式实行计划书 Plan for realization of a new type combustion mode 新型的点燃形式 明显点燃流程 Model combustion process for a new type combustion mode 新式的复燃模型热使用率基本特征 Thermal efficiency feature of a new type combustion mode 新燃燒机制合体EGR提高瞬态加载失败 Coupling EGR optimization transient response of a new type combustion mode 增压柴油车机瞬态排卸单趟模拟的平台 Simulation platform on the whole process of supercharged diesel engine transient discharge 复合型焚烧玩法CO、HC非特异朋友 CO, HC specificity of a new type combustion mode

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